UPS® & FedEx® shipping for QuickBooks Online – ShipGear is now StarShip

UPS® & FedEx® shipping for QuickBooks Online

ShipGear® provides the connector between QuickBooks Online and UPS WorldShip® and FedEx Ship Manager® giving you live, accurate shipping information instantly.

With ShipGear shipping integration you can also update the order, invoice or sales receipt with freight charges and tracking numbers to improve customer service and make the billing process more efficient

  • ShipGear shipping software supports QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Enterprise versions 2011-2018 and has been recognized by the Sleeter Group as delivering “awesome” value.

Why ShipGear shipping integration?

  • The ShipGear shipping integration updates shipping status and tracking numbers as you ship.
  • Streamline shipping, customer service, and billing processes
  • Save time processing shipments with direct access to any Amazon Marketplace account
  • Improve data entry accuracy and reduce carrier accessorial fees
  • Inform your customers with automated, customizable shipment notifications
  • Dashboard gives the entire office quick access to shipment status, metrics and reporting
  • Branded Email – personalize your ship notifications
  • Freight Rules – dynamic freight charge calculation

View our ShipGear, UPS WorldShip and QuickBooks Online 9 minute demo

Try ShipGear FREE for 30 days

The trial version of ShipGear is a full working copy giving you instant integration between UPS WorldShip or FedEx Ship Manager and your business application. Try it today to see why thousands of companies use ShipGear to make UPS and FedEx shipping more efficient.


Looking to purchase with UPS CTP funds?

ShipGear is available through the UPS Customer Technology Program for customers who qualify.

CTP Request